Our Supplier

About Our Supplier of Premium Clay Tiles

Tile Resource

All tiles are not created equal

Due to the harsh climate of the Northeast where vast temperature variations within a 24-hour-period are common only grade 1 tiles should be used.

The National Roofing Contractors Association specifies the standard for clay roof tiles according to three zones, corresponding to three grades, as required by law. Grade 1 is the highest grade. It requires the tile to sustain 50 freeze and thaw cycles with no cracks. This resistance to freezing and thaw cycles is primarily driven by water absorption.

Tejas Borjas roof tiles are grade 1 rated and have stood the test of time here in the Northeast and around the world for 120 years and carry all relevant certifications.

Buyer Beware of non-Grade 1 tile Manufacturers as those products will fail within the first 2 years of installation. We have been called in to completely remove lower grade roofing systems and replace them with the world-known Tejas Borja roofing tiles.

Pictures and references available upon request.

Our Supplier

We simply use the finest materials available. Our supplier manufactures the best roofing products on the market today. Tejas Borja is the industry leader and with good reason.
Our materials are always grade 1 which are the highest at quality tiles sold, ensuring durability, long-lasting beauty, and peace of mind.

Tejas Borja offers a 75-year warranty.
The only way we can describe the selection of materials is “Limitless”. We are able to offer nearly any style imaginable. Add to that a full spectrum of colors, sizes, and finishes along with an extensive line of accessories and the result is truly a vision without compromise.

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